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Beeline Armenia CEO delivers a lecture for PR School students

Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin delivered a lecture on practical business management skills for students of PR School of Armenia. Andrey Pyatakhin introduced the audience to management skills and shared his personal leadership experience. "Beeline Armenia has always attached special importance to personal and professional development in corporate social responsibility projects, implemented by the company. Owing to similar programs, we advance specialized education, introduce people to subtleties of professions and teach them how to properly implement new ideas. I am glad to meet with students of PR School and share my personal experience and little secrets on running a business," Beeline Armenia CEO noted.

In turn, the president of the Armenian PR-Association, associate professor of the Department of Print and Broadcast Journalism of YSU, Ph.D. Astghik Avetisyan added: "The PR-school has become for professionals a platform that, in addition to knowledge, experience and skills, forms an appropriate environment for literate communication and cooperation. The PR-school is taught by the best experts in the field. "

According to the source, PR-school was founded in 2015 by the Armenian PR-Association with the aim to develop and deepen the knowledge and skills of specialists in the field of public relations.


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